Dear Radio Prague website user,

Please take the time to fill in our brief questionnaire. The results will help us to better meet the interests and expectations of our international audience. Thank you for your time and interest in Radio Prague.

Radio Prague Team

1. How often do you visit Radio Prague’s web page?

2. How do you consume the content?

3. Which topics interest you most?

Please select three of the following.

4. How would you evaluate the content?

Please select two of the following.

5. How would you evaluate the style of the articles?

6. Do you like the graphic layout?

7. How do you like the format used?

1. I prefer it
2. I find it suitable
3. I generally find it unsuitable
4. I do not like it

Brief news item
Longer text
Photo report

8. Do you follow Radio Prague on any of these social networks?


9. Do you find anything lacking that you would appreciate seeing on our web page? Please specify.

10. Do you have any particular message for the English language department?

The most constructive and inspiring answers to questions 9 and 10 will get you small Radio Prague gifts. If you are interested, please provide your full address below ( see question 13).

11. I am

12. How old are you?

13. Where do you live?

Fill in country and address.