Meeting between PM, party leaders, on govt changes, proves inconclusive

A meeting between interim Prime Minister Jan Fischer, Social Democrat chairman Jiří Paroubek and the leader of the Civic Democrats Petr Nečas to discuss changes to the caretaker government, has proven inconclusive. The politicians met on Thursday to try to reach a deal on the filling of two ministerial posts left open after two Green Party nominees resigned. The right-of-centre Civic Democrats have since been pushing for a re-balancing of power within the cabinet, charging it is now leaning to the political Left. Earlier the prime minister gave the Environment Minister’s portfolio to Agriculture Minister Jakub Šebesta, while he himself considered stepping in as the minister for human rights and minorities. The move has been strongly rejected by the Civic Democrats who are opposed to Mr Šebesta, a Social Democrat nominee, holding both jobs. Further talks on changes to the caretaker government are to take place next week.

Author: Jan Velinger